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- Location : 1 Springwood Ave, Narre Warren VIC 3805
- Mon - Sat : 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Neck pain is often diagnosed in Chinese medicine as an imbalance or stagnation in the GB channel. The Gallbladder channel starts at the outer part of the eye and wraps around the head, into the neck and shoulders and runs along the side of the body, ending at the little toe.
Upper back pain may occur either on one side or over the entire upper back, that is from the level of C7 down to that of T7. Mostly it occurs on one side. According to Chinese medicine theory, upper back pain can be caused by invasion of External pathological factors, stagnation of Qi, deficiency of the Yin or Yang of the Heart, stagnation of Phlegm and Blood in the Heart, or flaring-up of Liver-Fire.
Lumbago is pain in the lumbar region, which is that part of the body between the lower ribs and the pelvis. The term usually refers to pain in the lumbar back or the flanks.
Your discs are the substances between the vertebrae in your spine that act as cushions. They are what allow your spine flexibility along with stability and absorb the shocks that come along with movement. As you get older, these discs start to degenerate and, in some cases, it can happen at an abnormally young age. As the discs break down, they can become thinner or they can bulge or herniate. As this happens, nerves may get pressed on, causing pain and inflammation. Even when the herniation is due to picking up heavy objects improperly, it is often because of the underlying degeneration.
Sciatica refers to pain radiating along the sciatic nerve, which originates in the lower spineas a combination of several nerves from the lumbosacral region. The nerve branches from the spine to the left and right buttocks and then travels down the back of the legs, at about the middle of the thighs, to the feet. Sciatic pain usually radiates from the buttock and is felt primarily in the back of the thigh, though it may extend to the foot. Usually, only one side is affected. Although the pain is felt in the fleshy part of the body, the origin of the pain is a pinching of one or more of the nerves departing the spinal cord in the area of the intervertebral disks
Knee pain can be the result of several factors, including injury, disease or the gradual wearing down of the joint. It can occur in the joint itself, the tendons that cushion the joint or any of the numerous supporting muscles and tissues. The disease most commonly associated with knee and joint pain is arthritis. A type of rheumatic disease, arthritis causes stiffness and pain in the joints, and may be accompanied by inflammation, redness and swelling. Other common causes of knee pain include tendinitis (inflammation of a tendon in the joint), a torn meniscus or ligament, and sprain.
Heel pain may occur in one or both heels, and may appear as an isolated disorder, or one of a group of symptoms classified in Chinese medicine as a Bi syndrome(arthritis). It can be accompanied by cold or heat sensation on the heel, ankle pain, numbness or swelling of heels. According to Chinese medicine theory, heel pain can be caused by invasion of External Wind-Damp, invasion of Toxic Fire, downward flow of Damp-Heat, stagnation of Qi and Blood in the channels, deficiency of Qi and Blood, and deficiency of Yin of Liver and Kidney. Heel pain may be attributed to any of the following disorders in Western medicine: rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic arthritis, heel infection, fracture or soft tissue injury of the heels and formation of a heel spur.
Acid reflux is the common name for GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). When stomach acid flows up into the esophagus, it causes discomfort, heartburn, inflammation, and over time, cellular changes known as Barrett’s esophagus. Some cases of Barrett’s esophagus progress to esophageal cancer.
People suffering from food allergies aren’t always aware that their symptoms are caused by the food they are eating. Some people suffering from food allergies continue their day-today life with symptoms such as headaches or fatigue and have no idea that their symptoms could be from food allergies.Symptoms of food allergies include: fatigue, hives, eczema, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, nasal congestion, cough and asthma. Even more serious conditions include: difficulty breathing, decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, dizziness, mental confusion, slurred speech, anxiety attack and cardiovascular collapse.
Benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH) is a non-cancerous swelling of the prostate gland that may interfere with the flow of urine from the bladder in men. The condition is also known as benign prostatic hypertrophy and, more accurately, as benign prostate hyperplasia (the proliferation of cells in the prostate gland). BPH is a very common condition among men; nearly half of all men aged 50 have the condition, and by age 80, the percentage of men with BPH climbs to 75 percent
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